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Meadow View School K-8

Home Supports

504's & Release of Information

The purpose of Section 504 is to eliminate discrimination against any person based on a disability in any program or activity provided by any school district or other educational providers that receive federal funds. To ensure all disabled students’ educational opportunities are equivalent to those of their nondisabled peers.

If your child has a physical or mental disability, please contact your child's school counselor, Terry Foytek (K-4) or Wren Hewitt- Fulner (5-8), so we may help you determine next steps in providing your child access to their education at a level similar to their peers who don't have a physical or mental impairment.

If we move forward with a 504 evaluation, we would ask the parent to fill out a couple of forms before we begin. Counselors would provide the forms, either sent home with your child or sent electronically, whichever way works best for the family. We aren't able to attach them at this time but have provided directions for filling them out below. The names of the forms follow:

  1. Prior Notice/Parent Consent To Evaluate Under Section 504

  2. Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Educational and Protected Health Information Form

Directions for filling out the Prior Notice/Parent Consent To Evaluate Under Section 504:

  1. Please check only one box, either Consent to evaluate is given or Consent to evaluate is denied.

  2. Then sign, date, and add your phone number(s).

  3. Return to the counselor that provided the form along with the Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Educational and Protected Health Information Form listed below.

If you want the school/or someone at the school to be able to coordinate services/share essential protected health/mental health information, we would need to have a release of information signed by the parent, indicating which doctor or therapist is given permission to share information/documents with MV school/staff and vice versa. Please contact your child's counselor to get the release form, Terry Foytek (K-5) or Wren Fulner (6-8). Please return your filled out and signed forms to the counselor who provided them. If your child has a 504 or we are trying to determine eligibility, this is a document that we use to help decide which diagnoses your child has and sometimes helps with figuring out accommodations for your child. Directions for filling out the form follow.


Authorization to Use and/or Disclose Educational and Protected Health Information Form:

  1. Enter your child's Name and any nicknames.

  2. Enter your child's date of birth.

  3. Fill in the doctor's/therapist's Name, Place of Business, address, and phone number. I will look up the fax number.

  4. Initial in box 4 next to Mental health related information requested.

  5. Read over the form, Sign, enter your relationship to the child, and date it.

  6. If sent electronically Save the document with your child's name in front of the document name.

  7. Return/send to school counselor of your child's grade level, listed above.

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